Are Slip and Fall Cases More Common in Certain Industries?

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Unfortunately, some employees are more susceptible to slip and fall injuries on the job due to the nature of their work. However, many hurt at work because of a slip and fall are unsure how to recover the worker’s compensation they deserve. If this reflects your circumstances, you’ll want to keep reading to learn why slip and falls are more prevalent in specific industries and how a Monroe, Louisiana work injury lawyer can help you recover the compensation you deserve.

What Industries See the Most Slip and Fall Cases?

Unfortunately, those who work in the construction industry can experience higher rates of slips and falls than others. This is due to the environment, as debris, equipment, and materials are left on the floor, creating an unsafe workplace. Similarly, if spills are not cleaned promptly or properly marked, those walking by can sustain injuries.

Similarly, those who work in retail locations can also become susceptible to these accidents. This is because retail stores are laden with foot traffic, meaning shoppers and consumers can create hazards for employees. For example, if it rains, shoppers walking through the store can leave wet footprints that make slippery surfaces. An employee can sustain injuries if they slip. However, debris left in aisles, loose tiling, unanchored carpets, and wires that have not been secured can also lead retail employees to sustain injuries.

Unfortunately, many injuries stem from unsafe work environments and a lack of employee training. If a workspace is poorly lit, it can make seeing hazards more challenging. Additionally, if employers do not show new workers how to ensure their work environment is safe and clean for themselves and others, workers can sustain unnecessary injuries.

What Should I Do if Injured on the Job?

If you are injured while on the job, taking the appropriate steps is crucial to protecting yourself and recovering the compensation you deserve. The first thing you should do is alert a supervisor or manager to your accident. This helps ensure they can remedy the situation to prevent another injury from happening.

In the event you need emergency medical attention, you should call emergency services. However, if your injuries are not severe, you must still seek medical treatment from a company-approved provider. Additionally, your supervisor will likely ask you to file an incident report detailing what happened. Be sure to provide as much detail as possible.

Unfortunately, some companies may try to cheat you out of the worker’s compensation you deserve by claiming your injuries occurred outside of the scope of your job, such as when you were off the clock. However, enlisting the assistance of a dedicated attorney is crucial to recovering compensation.

At Breithaupt, DuBos, & Wolleson, we understand the complexities that can arise when pursuing compensation for injuries sustained at work. As such, we are committed to helping you receive the funds you deserve for your injuries. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.

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