How Can I Effectively Communicate With My Spouse During Mediation?

couple sitting across from one another

There’s a common misconception that couples going through a divorce need to be bitter and only communicate through their attorneys. In fact, many couples rely on mediation to work out the details of their divorce. However, mediation is most beneficial when you can effectively communicate with one another. If you’re going through a divorce, understanding the importance of effective communication is critical. This blog explores what you can do to make mediation less stressful by using strategies to effectively communicate with your spouse. Additionally, you’ll discover why working with a Monroe, Louisiana divorce attorney is critical to ensuring your best interest is represented during these difficult times.

How Does Mediation Work?

Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution used in many situations in which two parties are unable to reach an agreement on their own. For example, you’ll often find that tenants and landlords, and employees and employers often rely on mediation. However, it is most commonly associated with divorcing couples.

This process involves the disputing parties meeting with another person. This individual is a neutral third-party entity called the mediator. Their job is to facilitate conversation between the two parties to help them find areas they can compromise on. The mediator will make sure each party feels heard. It’s also important to note that the mediator cannot offer legal advice to either party and cannot take sides during this matter.

Why Do I Need to Effectively Communicate?

During mediation, one of the most important ways you and your spouse can reach an agreement while limiting stress is to communicate effectively with one another. Unfortunately, if one party isn’t ready to speak honestly and openly, it can lead to a number of issues, making mediation unsuccessful.

Generally, one of the best tips to effectively communicate with your spouse during mediation is to avoid placing blame or judgment on your spouse. Though it may be easier said than done because you may be hurt by their actions, moving away from accusatory language and focusing on how you’re feeling can help this process be less contentious.

It’s also important to understand that you can communicate non-verbally with your spouse as well. Unfortunately, many are not in tune with their body language, which can come off as disinterested and unengaged during these important conversations. When your body language is closed off, your spouse may be less open to what you have to say.

Divorce is a complicated matter for a number of reasons. Not only can it be heartbreaking to end your relationship with your spouse, but this is also a complicated legal process. As such, it’s in your best interest to connect with and experienced attorney who can help you through these difficult matters. At Breithautp, DuBos, & Wolleson, our team understands the complexities of this matter, which is why we can handle the legal aspect so you can focus on healing. Connect with us today to learn how we can help you.

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