How Can I Get Joint Custody in Louisiana?

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When going through a divorce in Louisiana as a parent, you may not think about how your property will be distributed or whether or not you are entitled to alimony. Instead, you may be focused on what will happen regarding child custody. Unfortunately, many parents in Louisiana are unsure how custody is determined. If you want to receive an equal joint custody split, it’s imperative to keep reading. The following blog explores what you can do to increase your chances of a favorable outcome and why connecting with a Monroe, Louisiana child custody lawyer is in your best interest.

What Are the Different Custody Arrangments?

Generally, a parent can receive two types of custody – physical or legal. Physical custody refers to where the child resides and who physically cares for the child. Legal custody refers to the right of a parent to make important decisions for the child, like medical or religious choices.

In addition, the courts can grant sole or joint physical or legal custody. Joint custody means both parents are entitled to spend time with the child or make decisions for them, while sole means that only one parent has the right to do so. It is also important to understand that depending on the circumstances, the courts can grant, for example, joint physical custody and sole legal custody to one parent.

What Can I Do to Get Joint Custody?

If you wish to receive equal, joint custody of your child, understanding how to do so is critical. Generally, you should first try to work out an agreement with your spouse. Not only can this help avoid a lengthy and potentially contentious court battle, but you may also be able to receive more favorable outcomes than if a judge were issuing the final say.

However, if you cannot work with your spouse, proceeding to court may be the only other option. In this case, you should do everything possible to show that you are a fit parent and deserve custody of your child. When presenting your case to the judge, you should not focus on tearing down your ex or pointing out their flaws. Instead, you should focus on why it’s in your child’s best interest to remain with you. The only time you should focus on your ex is if you have reason to believe the child would be in imminent danger if left in their custody.

Can an Attorney Help?

In many instances, the court believes it is in the best interest of the child to award both parents joint custody. This is because they believe the child, in most cases, should have a relationship with both parents. Again, some circumstances could impact this decision, like if there are instances of abuse or neglect that must be considered.

If you are going through a divorce and want to fight for joint custody, connecting with an experienced attorney from Breithaupt, DuBos, & Wolleson, LLC is in your best interest. Connect with our dedicated legal team today to discuss your circumstances and learn how we can help you through these complex matters today.

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